Session on Chandrayaan-2 and Workshop on Hydro rocket

It was overall a good session, in which we all of us get to know about the great mission chandrayana-2, from its stages, starting to the ongoing proceedings.
Power point presentation made the session more interesting. Session was taken by Shiva kumar, second year student and pro executive director of the club.

Besides from theoretical part of the mission, data and analysis were also discussed.
Apart from the main three stages or parts, orbiter, lander, rover, GLSV mk-3 was also discussed.
The session went well, and ended with student’s questions.



Before directly jumping on competition, the basics or one can say the science behind water rocket was discussed, in almost 15-20 min. session was taken by Zaid and

Ajay, after the theoretically discussion, time was allotted to them to make there rocket.
In the ground, in front of block 3A, rocket was launched.
1st, 2nd, 3rd position was given on the basis of maximum range.
Conclusion: students got to know about the mission and the science behind the water rocket/ propulsion.
We are focusing on the betterment of club, and hoping for next exciting  session


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